
Atlas Animalia - A book of monster variants

Created by Andreas Walters

From the creators of the Baby Bestiary, explore monster variants like you've never seen before! Slated to be an 100-page hardcover book. It currently features 25 unique beasts, exploring three diverse variants of each. Like an extended monster manual lore entry, each page will dive deep into the creature, covering biology, hunting, and mating (perhaps even some rearing tips for the daring beastmaster). In addition, the book examines each creature's unique environmental adaptations as well as local uses for the creature (from legendary myths and traditions that tie into adventure hooks).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PDF Delivery and More!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:11:16 PM

Hey All, 
I am happy to finally press the send button and get this book out to you!
the book was a little larger than I had anticipated given the proper layout of the text and relevant info clocking the book in at around 174 whopping pages.

some of you may have received a duplicate link, I was up till 2am finishing the book (was on a productivity spree) and had to interrupt the send out to go to sleep and so im running a new one right now as of sending this.

due to the size of the book (practically doubling, the print is delayed and I don't expect to receive the print books until early/mid March)

I will open up the DTRPG to the public on Feb 5th

Backerkit - 

Now officially I have not charged any of your cards, for those who have made addons on backerkit. I know many of you are still waiting to see the decks (which i can now put some attention to now the book is done. 
I will lock in and charge Backerkit credit cards on Friday, February 9th.

If this is going to be a problem for your personal finances just send me a message and I'll prevent it from charging your card until you are financially comfortable 

Check/Update your address

In addition to the credit cards, I also want you to double check your shipping address, especially since its been several months since you've first entered it in, typically at least 3-10 of you have moved or changed addresses since the original backerkit offering.

If you need the link to backerkit, you can use this to recover your link

Other Things

First work will be the decks, followed by getting designers started on the stat books and finally, get some posters worked up some of the tiers who received such to pick from.

PDF Corrections

now is the time to send me any corrections/errors you see, from your name being listed to anything else, As I'll be sending the final version to the printer soon!


Sorry for the long silence since Sarahs updates, Its been a busy December/January but im glad to get back into the swing of things and show off the beauty of Sarahs (and our writer's work)

Whats your favorite variant?

sorry was up till 2 am so im a little light on sleep, pardon the jumbled mind dump

Thank you and stay awesome 


Jungle Death
about 7 years ago – Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 12:41:45 AM

 Hi All!

I'm working on some more interior illustrations and odd 'n ends to round this book out. It's a blast!

I hope you like this image of the flying basilisk taking out the hummingbird harpy. :)

Thanks for your support and have a great day!


Cover is done!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 04:25:34 PM

 Hi All,

I hope you had a fantastic holiday. 

I made a cover for you! I hope you like it as much as I liked making it. My goal was to make it like a scene from a nature documentary. 

Here were the voting results.

But no worries, friends of the jungle and mountain, I'll be making more polished versions of them for inside the book. 

As always, thanks for your support and have a great day,

Much creature-filled love, 


Cover Voting and Project Updates
about 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 09:49:15 PM

Hey All!
so the time has come to vote on the cover of the book, note these are very fast mockups. The image quality will be the same as everything else Sarah has put out, in addition, the logo and cover elements are subject to change, these were taken from the baby bestiary to be a quick mockup, so we'll get Sarah's name on the cover.


Jungle death - A hummingbird harpy is petrified by the flying basilisk
Jungle death - A hummingbird harpy is petrified by the flying basilisk


Ice fight - A snowy owlbear defends his meal, a dead arctic coautl from a saber phase cat
Ice fight - A snowy owlbear defends his meal, a dead arctic coautl from a saber phase cat


Mountain chase - A snow leopard griffon chases the peregrine falcon hippogriff.
Mountain chase - A snow leopard griffon chases the peregrine falcon hippogriff.

Book progress

Introduction has been written and needs some editing/refinement

All of the beast entries have been written and edited with exception to two. One of our writers and was hospitalized with a serious condition so we're currently working around that. And I have started to experiment with layout. 

All and all things are looking great, I was hoping I could have the PDF done in late December, but now it's looking like early January (the holidays mess with your schedule a lot). Which would put book delivery around Feb/March.)

And finally now that most of the writing has been done, we can start work on the statbooks!

Thanks all for joining us on this amazing ride, 
And don't forget to vote!!

Andreas and the Atlas Team!

The interior art is done!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2017 at 07:09:10 PM

 Hi Awesome Backers,

The lizardfolk set is done! This means all the beasts have been drawn. 

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this project possible. It's been a dream to work on and I hope you enjoy seeing all the creatures I've made for you. 

I hope you run encounters that people will remember for years to come. Have too much fun!

What's next? 
I need to make the cover! It's going to get great. :)

Andreas will also be making an official update post later on. 

 Much creature-filled love, 
