
Atlas Animalia - A book of monster variants

Created by Andreas Walters

From the creators of the Baby Bestiary, explore monster variants like you've never seen before! Slated to be an 100-page hardcover book. It currently features 25 unique beasts, exploring three diverse variants of each. Like an extended monster manual lore entry, each page will dive deep into the creature, covering biology, hunting, and mating (perhaps even some rearing tips for the daring beastmaster). In addition, the book examines each creature's unique environmental adaptations as well as local uses for the creature (from legendary myths and traditions that tie into adventure hooks).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

EU Shipping Updater
about 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:27:21 AM

 Hey All!

So a few days after I send my legal notice, the shipment magically arrives at the warehouse. I've already sent the shiplist to GamesQuest to process, however I do not yet have a timetable on when these will get shipped out (waiting on emails from GQ).

When I get more information I'll be sure to let you know


Inventory has arrived!
about 6 years ago – Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 12:44:56 AM

Hey all!

to no surprise after implications of legal pressure..things seemed to have worked themselves out..funny how that works. Now I just have to wait a little bit for GamesQuest to unpack the inventory and log it into their system..but that shouldn't take long.

But before I send them a shiplist..I just want to confirm that I have your correct address.

You can confirm it by checking backerkit. If you can't find the original email you can get there through this recovery page.

If its wrong please please please send me a message!

Soo happy to finally get you your books!

Intl Shipping..time to get legal involved
about 6 years ago – Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 12:34:00 AM

Hey All!

INTL Shipping

Sorry for the delayed response..I was hoping things would get cleared and after the holiday rush the dust would settle and the shipment would be found and available to go out..

Frustratingly, on Friday I learned this was not the case. As so far, GamesQuest has confirmed  that nothing has arrived at their warehouse for me...meaning that this problem warehouse (the one who received the shipment from Asia and was supposed to just forward it to GamesQuest) has either never shipped it, or lost it.

Either case is pretty bad, since they've literally had months now to ship it, and if it's lost..this wasn't a small shipment. It included books for a number of products including over  1000 books totaling over 42k of merchandise value.  

Regardless, I am going to start getting lawyers involved, by sending a letter of intent to the warehouse on Monday. This should fix the problem, as legal notices tend to get problems solved, even if it doesn't at least I'm starting the process. Hopefully this dosen't go down in the worst scenario...but one way or another I'll get you your books.


As to the statbook,  I've been working on this for the past few days and will be emailing this out shortly after this update goes live. There are a few statblocks that still need to be done, but the layout is there and I will continue to update the file.    

As a retrospective..It appears that the system-specific statbooks take much more resources than I had anticipated. Never-the-less, these will get done and out to you.

If you're missing anything or need to update your address please don't hesitate to reach out.


An Overdue International Shipping Update
about 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 01:24:50 AM

Hey Backers.
For those of you who are international let me extend my deepest apologies. It was with my full intention that you all should have received your books months ago but as you're all aware this isn't the case.     

Delays from production to shipping it has all been an unprecedented mess. The intention was, once it passed through customs (a mess of its own), the manufactures warehouse was supposed to just forward it to GamesQuest (GQ) for normal fulfillment. Unfortunately, communication to this specific warehouse has been atrocious. As far as I am aware, the warehouse should have re-shipped it immediately once it arrived. With continued delays, they sent me an invoice on November 21st, to which I promptly paid. I was holding out on providing an update, in the hopes that I would soon receive word that the products have arrived...But as so far I have heard absolutely nothing, which has started to get infuriating..and the holiday madness isn't helping.
Unfortunately, as of this moment, I have nothing (whether it actually shipped or if it arrived). Both warehouses are located in the UK so shipping should be fast.   

At this point, I am about as frustrated as you guys are and I'm sorry I haven't updated you on the matter sooner. International fulfillment has been the weakest part of my projects and it is something I am actively working to improve for the future. It also seems that the reason my international shipping seems to be terrible is that I haven't quite found the right partners to make my international presence easy to manage.
For future projects, I am re-evaluating the relationships I have as it comes to printing, shipping, and warehousing for all future productions. For future projects, I will be immediately breaking up manufacturing into three shipments each going directly to a warehouse that provides fulfillment and distribution services: TWE (US), GamesQuest (EU), and AetherWorks (AUS).  

As it comes to the statbooks, a major part of the lag has been working with new designers and helping them create interesting and balanced creature designs. In addition, given that I have done as many statbooks before I hadn't established an import format to make it easier, and thus so far I have been manually formatting each statblock. 
Regardless I will be releasing something today so that you have something to work with. 

Today is a design work-day for me and I will be available to answer any questions or comments that you may have. 
Also, I will be sending a survey out to the people who are supposed to get prints. About what design they are interested in getting.

Thank you for your patience and again I apologize that it has taken this long.  


Shipping Update (books + Cards)
over 6 years ago – Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 02:09:44 AM

Hey all!
For those who ordered books and cards, I'm terribly sorry you had to wait this long. But finally, that waiting has come to an end. 
The cards are in and last night I sent the ship list out to the warehouse (no point waiting 2-3 more weeks for it to arrive at amazon, that took longer than I had expected for it to appear in their system). If you want a tracking number, feel free to let me know and once i get it, I can provide that to you.

I also just moved to Los Angeles, and for the next few months I will be working on publishing full-time. During this time, I need to get the finishing touches on the 5e stat book as well as getting the other statbooks out to you.

Sorry, it took this long and I do really appreciate your patience.
If you have anything, please dont hesitate to reach out!

2019 Calendar

In following with the annual tradition of the Baby Bestiary, the 2019 Calendar, our 5th calendar, is now available on Kickstarter.  This year, illustrated by April Prime, the main artist behind Dungeons & Doggies project, and her work is adorable.
Check it out and snag a calendar for next year!

Pegasi foal
Pegasi foal