Phase 2 - update shipping address
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 06:22:41 PM
Hey all,
I just received word that the Baby Bestiary books (and atlas) have arrived in the amazon warehouse.
I know it’s been awhile and I apologize for the wait,
I just want to emphasize if you’ve changed address please message us and let us know (also better to be safe than sorry)
I’d like to start shipments next week (and with amazon they’d take 2-6 days to arrive within the US)
EU backers - I’ve received word that some of the products have arrived (like the atlas decks) I need to confirm everything that arrived but once I get them to gamesquest I can begin fulfillment
Sorry for the sloppy update, I’m on my phone and just moved cross country to my home state California. If here are delays please follow up with me (or nag me) in case I overlooked or missed anything.
Thank you all for you patience and support (wow this was a bit longer than I expected)
Post GenCon - Update
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 12:28:30 AM
Hey all!
I apologize for the delay in updates, GenCon is finally over and the dust has mostly settled. I'm getting my main computer fixed, so for the time being I'm working on my Surface, which isnt the best design rig, but I can at least keep working on things.
I hope a good amount of you, who were just receiving Atlas Animalia, have received your copy and I hope you guys are enjoying it.
We are aware that the Baby Bestiary has been in-transit to the US (though my estimates say it should have arrived by now). I've reached out to the manufacturer to check with the freight company, though I probably won't get word until next week, as it's already the weekend over in asia.
Also, with my recent communications, the Baby Bestiary has apparently been shipped to the EU. I am still confirming if this includes Atlas and Embers (it wasn't clear from the last communication), but I will find out shortly, and I have also implored for a freight ETA.
Atlas DecksRegrettably, these are currently "finishing up" so ideally, these should be shipping out on freight to the US this week.
Getting back into cranking these out. I'm not on my main rig, so progress will be slow. I will be sending out a WIP of 5e soon, so people can start to get their eyes on it.
Art pieces
I will be working on getting these set up this weekend, perhaps use the tablet-pen to clean my feathering edges a little bit.
Finally, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, also if you're missing the Atlas PDF or just want to check-in for an update, I am available and will respond to any messages.
Thanks again everyone for being patient, this waterfall manufacturing and shipping delay has not made things easy and I really appreciate your patience.
Your rewards are coming!
Gencon Meet/Pickup
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 10:37:53 PM
Quick update for those attending gencon.
I will have a table with the Indie Game Developers Network (IGDN) which is located at booth 2545, though given this year's setup im not sure how much time I can spend at the booth, never the less, I still would love to meet you
So if you want to pick up your books or meet me
you can reach me by messaging either of our facebook pages
or on twitter at
please tell me which products you want to pick up and I will coordinate with you, the sooner you reach out the better. Most likely you will NOT be able to pick up your book at the booth, so please reach out to me.
also as a note, the Baby Bestiary versions that are at Gen Con are NOT the edited reprints, backers will be getting access to those first.
Wave 2 Shipping
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 02:07:05 AM
Just a very very quick update, for those in Wave 2 (201 of you), receiving
Just Atlas Animalia
- Atlas Animalia and bookplates
I just got the tracking codes and by looking through them, a large majority of books will arrive on the 30th and 31st.
Baby Bestiary books should be arriving in the US soon
Embers and the Atlas Decks are finishing production and is also the final piece to the shipment out to European shipment.
ENNIES Nomination & Shipping Wave 2
over 6 years ago
– Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 08:22:31 PM
Hey Backers,
An overdue update for you all, I'm back from vacation (and a friends wedding) and ready to get back to the grind. There are two major things I need to share with you, an update about shipping and our amazing awards nomination.
ENNIE Voting
We submitted (had to ship directly from the manufacturer) and we were nominated for Best Interior Art!!
Now, in order to get an award, it's a democratic process against some pretty popular titles, but we've prevailed in the past but need your support to get us there.
All you need to do to vote (no registration required, it tracks votes by device ID)
if you want to share and spread the word on social media we also would really appreciate that. (Twitter) (Facebook)
Voting I believe goes from July 11 to the 21st (not a lot of time)
Shipping Wave 1
Wave 1 went out two weeks ago (right before I went on vacation) and many of you should have gotten your books (as ive seen on social media).
This was intended to go to only backers who only (in regards to physical products, exempting the statbooks) got the physical book.
I found out last night that I sent an incomplete spreadsheet and was missing a sizable portion of backers (~200) due to an extra filter I had on when I sent the spreadsheet. These will go out with wave two.
Wave 2 shipping
The warehouse has confirmed they have received the bookplates and will be shipping out Atlas Books with the bookplates. This wave will also include those I have missed in the wave 1 shipping. The warehouse have some other fulfillment projects ahead of ours, they estimate to start shipping earliest by next Wednesday and will have them out by next Friday.
Final note - Statbooks
I apologize these have taken me longer than I had expected, most of which has been due to the weird logistical issues we've been having with production (instead of everyhting being shipped together, its all been staggered). Now that most the shipping is started, this is my major focus.
Thank you everyone for the support, I apologize things have taken a little longer than expected, but I assure we'll make it worth it!
Until the next update (and please don't hesitate to reach out)!
Andreas & the Atlas Team