
Atlas Animalia - A book of monster variants

Created by Andreas Walters

From the creators of the Baby Bestiary, explore monster variants like you've never seen before! Slated to be an 100-page hardcover book. It currently features 25 unique beasts, exploring three diverse variants of each. Like an extended monster manual lore entry, each page will dive deep into the creature, covering biology, hunting, and mating (perhaps even some rearing tips for the daring beastmaster). In addition, the book examines each creature's unique environmental adaptations as well as local uses for the creature (from legendary myths and traditions that tie into adventure hooks).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Brief Printing Update
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 08:59:19 PM

Hey All!
So despite us doing the entire production order together, its invariably been separated out, which adds a little bit of complexity to the project.
The good news is that Atlas Animalia is estimated to arrive at the warehouse around fri/sat next week.

the bad news is that the Baby Bestiary Reprints as well as Atlas Cards (and Embers) are still in production due to some quality issues that the manufacturer discovered and is sorting out, 
Baby Bestiary is estimated to enter ocean shipping on June 15th
Embers is estimated July  20th, and the
Atlas Creature Deck is estimated July 13th.

For those who were just getting the book, there will be no problems here as we can ship out directly, for those who are getting the Baby Bestiary or other books, I'm inclined to hold the shipment until those products come in. If you guys feel otherwise please let me know. 


Since we're getting close, it's time to check your shipping address
also if you're interested in picking up your books at Gen Con, please let me know (send an email to andreas@metalweavegames)


I did submit Atlas for the ENnie awards, so when that time comes, we will need your voting support (assuming we're nominated). I had to have these copies sent directly by the manufacturer in order to meet the deadline, though I had totally forgotten to send myself an advance copy, so I won't see the books until the warehouse receives all the books and sends me my copy.


I have sent out the Shadow of the Demon Lord stats and I am more than halfway through the layout of the D&D 5e stats. 
I am going through these statbooks slowly, partially to get as much feedback as possible, and also I am approaching cautiously to ensure that I have enough funds once shipping is conducted 

I think thats everything for now, I'm still working on the stats and will keep you guys updated on that front as well as how all this shipping madness will work out (I need to start putting together the ship spreadhseets)

Thanks everyone for being patient, the books are almost here and I can't wait to see them for myself!


Printing update and Sarah's Patreon
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 01:19:01 AM

Hi Awesome people, 

First, thank you so very much for your patience as we get the book printed. 

We just got a few images from the printer today! So exciting!

We think it'll be in your hands in 8-11 weeks (as we’re including the Baby Bestiary reprint with this shipment)

I can't wait for you all to be able to hold it. 
Andreas was kind enough to let me post about my Patreon.

Patreon is a lot like Kickstarter but it doesn't end-I send you art and you send me a monthly pledge. 

You even get to pick the topic. 

Here's a reward example. This patron wanted a viper dragon. 

I have ten tiers so there are a lot of pledge/reward options to pick from.

We are VERY close to reaching our first milestone goal - and the reward will be Winter Kirin coloring pages 

So please join up, if you like to get custom art mailed to you from me, and hang out with a cool bunch of people who talk monsters, games, and animals.

Much creature filled-love,

More Baby Bestiary & a cute GIF
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 12:05:22 AM


Hey all, 
I know we're still waiting for the Atlas Books and Stats to come in, 
but just wanted to make a quick announcement.

We have officially launched the  Baby Bestiary Reprint Kickstarter.

Why are we doing this? Although we currently have enough stock to fulfill all the Atlas orders that have include the Baby Bestiary, doing so would finish off our remaining stock. 
To reduce manufacturer shipping costs, we're piggy-backing on our Atlas order so that we can maintain inventory (we're ordering prior to the KS fund date), in addition, this means that all the backers can get the latest version of the books. 

If you're already getting the Baby Bestiary books as a part of the Atlas (this) Kickstarter

We're are offering a digital goodies tier, which includes; digital items such as PDF coloring book, Baby Bestiary virtual tabletop tokens, PDF of the 2018 calendar, desktop wallpapers and best of all, our 5e Baby Beast Companion Guide (which allows you to create and level companion baby beasts and run them with the party ).

We also are experimenting with a 25mm bronze owlbear mini

If you haven't yet ordered the Baby Bestiary handbooks yet...

This is the perfect time to get your hands on them (be it PDFs, the Print books or the slipcase) as well as everything else we have mentioned above!

anyways if you're interested in any of these, we'd be happy to see you on the other side!

I even had the crazy idea of a nyan owlbear cub, we hope you enjoy it (the video even has music :P  ) (if you want the GIF you can get it here)

Final note, this weekend I'll be posting about the decks (as the specs for it finally got confirmed)

Stay Awesome Everyone!

Printing/Shipping Update
about 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 07:21:55 PM

Hey Everyone!
I know it's been a little bit, and so I wanted check in and let you all know whats going on,
The books are going to print this/next week.
It's been delayed off the normal schedule as we're trying to do our print order all at once and we're combining it with a few things, 

  • The Atlas print run
  • The Beast Decks
  • Baby Bestiary Handbook (1&2)Reprints
  • and Embers book print run (a separate project)

So theres been a bit of chaos on my side to ensure all these are ready and prepared to print. Assuming the printer starts next week, they usually take 8 weeks to hit the US warehouse and then another week for them to go out to backers.
I estimate this to be around Ealy May

For EU and eastern backers, we split our production shipment into two parts, that way we dont have to ship to the US then ship it back overseas. So it'll go directly from the manufacturer to the UK (where our warehouse is). Historically even though it appears closer, getting through customs seems to make it take 2 weeks longer (no idea why).
But you'll be receiving your books probably 2-3 weeks after the Americas backers get theirs.

I know its later than we said it was, however, we've been getting all your edits in (PDF update coming soon) to ensure you get the best book we can deliver!

Hope you all have been enjoying the PDF and we'd love to hear how you've been using our beasties in your games.

As always, If you need anything I am here to answer any questions, 

Beast Deck, PDF updates & Backerkit
about 7 years ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2018 at 11:37:52 PM

Hey Everyone!
I hope you are enjoying the PDF thus far!  I would love to hear from you which beast you love and will likely be using soon :D
(If you haven't gotten your link in your email from DriveThroughRPG, DTRPG reach out to me)

Beast Deck 

Card Back
Card Back

I know many of you have been waiting to see the beast deck and here it is! I'm about half-way done with the layout, and I'll probably make a few tweaks.

The card face is very simple, just an image of the beast and its name, so you can show it off to your players in a dramatic reveal.

on the card back, is plain and unsuspecting

Now if you guys want something different/more, I'm totally listening!

For instance, ive been thinking about adding an icon for the ecosystem (probably on the card face 
  Or  perhaps, Ii can add some smaller text with super basic notes/observations on the creature, though i'd want your input on all this before I think about adding that.

card face
card face


card face vert
card face vert


As a reminder, Backerkit will close and charge your credit cards on Friday, February 9th.
If this is going to be a problem for your personal finances just send me a message and I'll prevent it from charging your card until you are financially comfortable.

also please check updates your address  

Link to access backerkit

PDF updates

I have another version with a number of fixes pushed live either friday night or sometime this weekend, 
Thank you everyone with the quick fixes,

Thats all for now!
Stay awesome everyone!
