
Atlas Animalia - A book of monster variants

Created by Andreas Walters

From the creators of the Baby Bestiary, explore monster variants like you've never seen before! Slated to be an 100-page hardcover book. It currently features 25 unique beasts, exploring three diverse variants of each. Like an extended monster manual lore entry, each page will dive deep into the creature, covering biology, hunting, and mating (perhaps even some rearing tips for the daring beastmaster). In addition, the book examines each creature's unique environmental adaptations as well as local uses for the creature (from legendary myths and traditions that tie into adventure hooks).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

30k Reached!!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 07:21:49 PM

Hey Backers!!
I hope those of you in the US had a safe July 4th, I did not come away unscathed and left with a wonderful sunburn. 

Now to better news!! We've reached our 30k stretch goal! unlocking the Cockatrice and the Dragon Turtle (the most popular follow-up beasts)!! This book is now even bigger and better than it was before, and we can't thank you enough for helping us get there!

 The next stretch goal, I'm going to advance to $33k, of which we will make stat books available via POD. (I'll be uploading the stretch goal graphic at lunch).


Finished art

Also, over the week Sarah finished coloring the faerie dragon and behold its monarch beauty! 

Cover Voting

I know a few of you have asked about this, we're going to hold off on voting for the cover until more of the book art is done, that way we can work with more of the images we have, or even get Sarah to do a custom one for us! 
If you have recommendations on what you'd like to see for the cover let us know!!


for those who follow the Baby Bestiary, we just got nominated for 2 ennies! 
Best Interior Art - Baby Bestiary Volume 2
Best Production Values - Baby Bestiary Collectors Bundle (1+2 in slipcase)


We're doing great and I can't wait to see what more this book can become!
Don't forget to stay awesome,

    -Atlas Team

Sretch Goals and Signed Books!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 07:25:47 PM

Hey Backers,

First thing to reveal, our first set of stretch goals!


New add-on

A great many of you have asked for signed books. This was a logistical challenge, as to figure out how to get each book signed by every member of the Atlas team. 
Finally after much coordination, we are happy to announce that we are now making signed bookplates available to only you, the Kickstarter Backers.

What are bookplates?

Bookplates are labels/stickers that are designed to go on the inside cover of a book, usually used to designate ownership. However, in this case we are using them to contain all the signatures of the members who contributed to Atlas Animalia book. These will come loose for you to insert into your book (or other Atlas product of your choice).

You can add the signed bookplate for by adding +$10 to your pledge (or you can do so later in backerkit our post project pledge manager).
All backers who pledged at the $100 level or above, will receive 1 free signed bookplate.

Updated addons are as below

  • +$12 PDF Baby Bestiary Volume 1
  • +$15 PDF Baby Bestiary Volume 2  
  • +$20 PDF Baby Bestiary Bundle (vol1 + vol2)
  • +$30 PRINT & PDF Baby Bestiary Volume 1 
  • +$35 PRINT & PDF Baby Bestiary Volume 2 
  • +$60 PRINT & PDF Baby Bestiary Bundle (vol1 & vol2) 
  • +$30 PRINT Atlas Animalia 
  • +$10 Signed Bookplate 
  • +$5 PDF Atlas Beast Tarot Deck
  • +$20 PRINT Atlas Beast Tarot Deck (includes PDF)

and finally.

New Atlas Team Member!

Kate is a weirdo Canadian who writes a emotion-fuelled blog called Bluestocking's Organic Gaming. She's one of a great team who facilitates gaming for Fan Expo Canada, and is one of the main organizers behind Breakout Gaming Convention. You can also find her as a co-host on The Gauntlet Podcast and It's Like DnD, both wicked gaming podcasts and worth listening to in that spare time you don't have. When not rolling dice, she's a massage therapist and doula, and is working on a few games of her own.

We're happy to have such an awesome team! We're in the final stretch (8 days) and we're soo eager to make this book as awesome as possible!
We cant thank you all enough for your love and support and don't forget to stay awesome

          Atlas Team

100% Funded!!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 03:30:42 PM

a quick update!

We did it!!!

We can't thank you enough for helping us make it through to the end, 
I'll be doing another post later today on the various funding stretch goals that I hope we can reach!

Thank you all, and stay awesome!
      - Atlas Team

2nd Voting Results are in!!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 04:51:37 PM

Hey Backers!

Just wanted to thank each and every one of you for joining us and for voting for the last two beasts to be included in the book (at least until stretch goals are hit).

I tallied up the votes and the results are in, the winners are  **Drum Roll please***

The Myconid and the Hippogriff!!

(voting results below)46-Myconid; 44-Hippogriff;   43-Dragon Turtle;   41-Harpy; 41-Cockatrice;   35-Pegasus;   30-Tarasque;   19-Wolpertinger;   16-Peryton;   16-Tatzelwurm;   13-HookHorror;   7-Beithir;   6-Enfield;   4-Simurgh;   3-Sealion.

It was a close race and I was frankly surprised to see which creatures made it to the top 5! But this list will not go forgotten, for the first round of stretch goals I will use the remaining top beasts as the first set of stretch goals (still getting the numbers worked out)

  • Dragon Turtle
  • Harpy
  • Cockatrice

We can't thank you all enough for your support, and we look forward to making this beautiful book!

Don't forget to stay awesome

        The Atlas Team

Update from the weekend
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 04:51:42 PM

Hey Backers!!
Special thanks to those who were able to join me this weekend for the stream. Some were able to get some sneak peeks into the project, in addition, we were able to make good design progress on the various layouts

a few updates since the weekend

Community Goals 

I accidentally marked the 500 backers reward (we're currently at 475, so I'm not worried that we'll get there), that said I'll just keep the reward unlocked!

Edit: retroactively I'm going to change Social Media shares to 50 / 100 / 175

Edit: Metal Weave Games hit 704, so I'll be editing that tonight!

Social Shares (67 total, next goal 100)

What is Roleplay Cafe?

Roleplay cafe is a new social media platform targeted for just the tabletop RPG community. In it, we aim to better connect people with the companies and brands they love.


Companion Statbooks

During the design stream yesterday we were able to do some mockups of the statbook, mostly formatting and getting the structure down, I'm going to start working with the writers on making some of the statblocks before the KS completes.

Statbook mockup
Statbook mockup

Printed Statbooks: Since many of you have asked for it, I am totally willing to make these happen, that said, I will have to budget them as they are an additional unanticipated expense. When the project funds I will be announcing them as a part of the funding stretch goals (as opposed to the community/social goals). 

Tarot card mockups

Yesterday I was also able to plug away at a few Beast Deck designs (sized as tarot cards).
These are preliminary mockups and will still change based on art and text.

The cards currently feel too open, and so I am hoping to create a border of some sort to create a more connected feel with the cards, so still a work-in-progress, but I am happy to show the progress that has been made.


sun owlbear tarot mockup
sun owlbear tarot mockup


Rust Rhino tarot mockup
Rust Rhino tarot mockup

 And  finally

Thoughts on Project Stretch goals?

As we approach funding (which is amazing) I want you guys to get the most mileage out of your book and this project so what would you want to see for stretch goals or in what priority?

  • More variants of all beasts?
  • More beasts?
  • Printed statbooks
  • miniatures
  • or something else?

Feel free to suggest something like, lets get to 25 beasts, then expand the number of variants.
I'm totally open to having a discussion on this project as you're helping make it happen!

Thanks all and don't forget to be awesome (especially on a monday, it's really hard)

    -Atlas Team