
Atlas Animalia - A book of monster variants

Created by Andreas Walters

From the creators of the Baby Bestiary, explore monster variants like you've never seen before! Slated to be an 100-page hardcover book. It currently features 25 unique beasts, exploring three diverse variants of each. Like an extended monster manual lore entry, each page will dive deep into the creature, covering biology, hunting, and mating (perhaps even some rearing tips for the daring beastmaster). In addition, the book examines each creature's unique environmental adaptations as well as local uses for the creature (from legendary myths and traditions that tie into adventure hooks).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Voting update: hippogriff already on the beast list
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 10:53:51 PM


I accidentally left hippogriff on the vote list, the beast is already slated to be in the book.

If you voted for hippogriff, I'll just ignore just that half of your vote, just comment again with your other choice and I'll count that! (So I'll expect a few comments with just 1 beast in it)

Sorry all for the minor error!

37k goal met!!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 09:15:31 PM

Hey backers.

I'm currently out and about so I apologize for not doing a proper post.

We hit the 37k goal!! Which means we've unlocked two more beasts!!

I'll pose two questions here for you guys to mull over

1) instead of adding two beasts we could add 8 additional variants instead. Say more crazy owlbears and what not, (in the end the expanded page count would be the same)


2) if doing more beasts, are there any we haven't mentioned that you'd like to have added to the vote list?

I'll do another update tonight,

Thanks so much everyone!!

Stay awesome :)

    - Atlas Team

Nerdarchy Interview, Stretch Rewards & Final Beast Draw
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 11:10:08 PM

Hey Backers!

First off, Sarah and I had a chat with the Nerdarchy crew
(I do apologize, the service I had at the time was pretty crappy, but it does get better but still cuts in and out occasionally).

Stretch Goals Unlocked

It looks like the 72hr push has begun, and we already hit 33k!! We've quickly unlocked the POD (print on demand) statbooks! 

In addition, after recounting our social goals we've also unlocked Savage Worlds and Dungeon Wolrd System Companions.

The new add-ons will be as follows

  • +$5 for an additional PDF Stat Companion
  • +$8 for a Print Stat Companion

Clarifications on the current rewards

With all these add-ons, I know we've stated a few things and want to be sure that we're all on the same page, So I gathered all the changes so that you can see them here (and will put on the main page as well)

Changes are as follows: 

  • $45- Collector of bits - All PDF rewards associated with this project. This includes all PDF system companions, as well as the PDF Tarot Beast Deck as the tier was to encompass all digital rewards.
  • $50 & $75 tiers - 3 PDF companion statbooks (instead of the base 2)

Also, we did a broad change for all backers at the $100 (owlbear sanctuary) level and above,

  • All PDF system companions
  • Receive 1 free signed bookplate
  • PRINT & PDF Tarot Deck

Hopefully, this makes everything clearer. 


What will Sarah illustrate next?

Shes got time to illustrate one more beast before the end of the KS, who will it be? we need your recommendations asap!


We're super excited to see this project come to life and we can't thank you all enough!! We're in the last stretch and let's see how far we can go!!

Don't forget to stay awesome!!

      Atlas Team

Thank you for 100% Lichen Myconid
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 07:18:59 PM


Thank you from the depths of my creature filled heart for making this book happen. I’m beyond happy to be making this for you.

Here’s a Lichen Myconid inspired by tree lichens and mossy geckos. He’s hard to spot, this one.

Now I need a few things from you – they’re fun, no worries. :)

1) What monster do I draw for our last day? Who do you want to see?

Reply HERE:

2) We already have some very solid suggestions for myconid variants, but are still looking for more.

Again, thank you for being awesome.


Correction, Print Tarot deck
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 07:18:11 PM

TLDR (to long didn't read): Messed up my numbers, I would like to put on hold the '"free'tarot deck' for backers in tiers 100+" on hold until I get larger production quotes in. 

Hey Backers, 
I'm terribly sorry about a third update, especially to bring conflicting news.
I wrote the first update this morning and I thought I had everything checked out when I realized that I had set the POD goal at 33k not 32k. So I waited until that goal was met to make the post, then upon meeting the goal I glossed over the details and pushed publish. 
After responding to comments I started to update my calculations down to the backer count, just to see where everything was coming in. It was then I totally realized that I had missed how many backers were in the $110 Lover of Three Books tier, which would be included in the Print Tarot calculations. It was more than we could afford, at least until updated shipping numbers come in. 

I hate to be one to go back on my word (especially after just publishing it). So for the time being, until quotes come in to confirm, I would like to put on hold the '"free' tarot deck' for backers in tiers 100+" on hold. 
That way, I can sort out some of the actual costs before saying something one way or the other. I really hate to do this, but I really want to ensure we don't get stuck overextending our budget.
